Monday, March 30, 2009
電磁輻射對於人體健康的影響,大致上可區分為「熱效應」(thermal effects)與「非熱效應」(thermal effects)兩類。前者簡單而言,即如一般家用微波爐的作用,就是將物體加溫的效果。為了避免人體受到過多劑量的電磁輻射而產生「熱效應」的危害,我國環保署即採用「國際非游離輻射防護委員會」(ICNIRP)於1998年即提出建議值,我國目前非游離輻射的環境基本上皆在此一建議值範圍內。但是另一方面,歐美國家的相關研究也普遍承認目前在「非熱效應」的研究是不足夠的,所以在人體危害性上尚無法明確證實,但是必須抱持審慎態度而不能輕忽。
歐美國家在「非熱效應」方面無法明確證實人體危害時,之所以仍抱持審慎的態度,乃是因為儘管在熱效應部分,現行 ICNIRP 所訂定之規範足以避免發生熱效應傷害,但關於非熱效應部分,國際癌症研究所(IARC) 與ICNIRP即曾於2001年發表過「曝露在0.3~0.4μT 以上,會增加2倍小兒白血病的機率」的報告,類似的內容也曾被WHO於同年正式發布過,且呼籲各國應該採取預防對策。但是令人遺憾的是,類似的訊息台灣人民往往並需從國外文獻得知,而不是從我國非游離電磁輻射主管機關的NCC所獲知,相反地,其竟然僅簡略地聲稱「電磁波對人體無害」,而讓人民產生一種公部門不採取預防措施係屬正確的誤解。
鑑於科技伴隨著越來越多人類短期無法掌握的環境與健康風險,聯合國於1992年里約宣言中即揭櫫「預警原則」(precautionary principle),「為保護環境,各國應依據其能力廣泛使用預防性作法。當存在不可回復之損害之威脅時,缺乏充分科學證據之事實,不得作為延緩採取符合成本效益以防止環境惡化之措施之理由」。而從預警原則以及社會衡平思想可進一步導出之引進者責任,亦即將技術導入市場而獲利之人,亦必須對於其技術所伴隨之風險積極證明其無害或減輕風險。例如德國2002年起即由該國之環境部(BMU)與電磁輻射防制署(BFS)將1千7百萬歐元之預算投入一項為六年的手機電磁輻射研究計畫(DMF),而當中一半的經費則是來自於電信業者提供,但為確保研究的中立性,電信業者必須被完全隔絕於研究計畫的進行與考核。
就筆者的研究,目前在歐洲至少即已有德、法、英、瑞士、奧地利等國都有設置透過網路即可查詢基地台資料庫。在德國的聯邦層級當中,電信傳播與郵政主管機關稱為「聯邦網絡局」(Bundesnetzagentur)。該署的前身機關有一份發表於2004年11月(到目前為止最新)標題稱為“regtp facts”的官方報告當中,除論及到該署關於電磁輻射是否具人體危害性的立場之外,相當鉅細靡遺地對於手機基地台資料庫的建構、公開與民眾使用情形進行介紹。該份資料可透過以下網址(下載查閱。依據德國官方的統計,該資料庫上網公開後的九個月之間即有高達三百萬人次的查詢記錄,顯見人民斷於生活周遭的環境有高度關切與瞭解的需求。此外,德國於2001年業者組成類似的組織”IZMF”,充分配合”EMF-Datenbank”的建構。英國於2000年電信業者即以自願性的機制共同組成一個稱為”Ofcom”的組織,建立一套手機基地台的資料庫(sitefinder),並可供任何人上網查詢基地台的設置地點與相關的電磁波資訊。
Saturday, March 28, 2009
West Dorset MP backs protest against Lyme mast
Article in
9:51am Thursday 26th March 2009
WEST Dorset MP Oliver Letwin is backing worried Lyme residents in their fight to stop plans for a new mobile phone mast close to homes, businesses and a school.
The O2 transmitter is planned for a derelict piece of land on Lyme Regis Industrial Estate to improve network coverage in the area.
Nearby residents have launched a Fight the Mast campaign and sent a petition with 60 signatures to planning authority West Dorset District Council. MP Oliver Letwin has added his voice to the campaign and last week met with senior management at the district council, a meeting he said left him ‘quite optimistic about the outcome’.
Mr Letwin said: “Of course, this is all very difficult – because we all want to be able to use our mobile phones, and none of us wants a mobile mast anywhere near us. A careful balance, therefore, has to be struck.
“But it never fails to amaze me how much chutzpah the operators of these systems have.
“I am sure we can fight this one off, and get the thing put somewhere a lot further away from human beings.”
Objectors say the mast would seriously put at risk the hundreds of schoolchildren who use the nearby footpath.
Headteacher Dr Richard Steward said: “The Woodroffe School inevitably has concerns regarding the potential health issues relating to over a thousand pupils and has requested furthe information from Needham Haddrell (O2 agents).
The Lyme Regis Society says the location does not seem ‘sensible’. Planning officer Stephen Wilkins said: “The mast under consideration is just over 100 metres from Woodroffe School. It and its base station are located scarcely four metres from the footpath used by the majority of pupils going to and from the town, and about 20 metres from the pedestrian crossing used by all the pupils.”
Lyme Regis Town Council has also joined the debate and recommended to the district council that O2’s planning application be refused.
At the town council’s planning committee meeting last Wednesday, chairman Spencer Hogg gave members a ‘note of warning’ that objections on health grounds alone would not be enough.
Senior town councillor Ken Meech said: “The Government scientists insist there are no dangers from these masts. I think public perception is different to that and quite rightly so. “ Uplyme Road resident Jackie Deane, who lives only metres from the site, said: “We have got grandchildren who come every year for a holiday and if that mast goes up, they won’t be coming any more.”
The district council’s development services manager, John Greenslade, said the application was publicised according to official guidelines.
Campaign leader Alan Deane is trying to arrange a meeting and would welcome calls on 01297 442718.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
電訊塔悄悄豎立 4花園居民抗議
另一方面, 亞羅士打市議員鄭括斯,今日代表亞羅孟古魯區州議員依斯邁,及亞羅士打市政廳主席卡加里接領由萬群園福利組主席鐘添克移交的備忘錄。在場者包括該園福利組名譽顧問劉國詒及署理主席劉福昌等
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Posted: 16 Mar 2009 06:07 AM PDT
Friday, March 13, 2009
Tripura restricts cellphone towers for fear of radiation
Article in Thaindian News
July 8th, 2008
Agartala, July 8 (IANS) Fearing radiation harmful to human health, the Tripura government has imposed restrictions against setting up Base Tower Stations (BTS) for mobile phones. The Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) issued a public notification in newspapers directing mobile telephone service providers to obtain prior written permission from the authority before setting up BTS.
“Following complaints from various quarters about the ill-effects of radiation from the mobile phones and BTS, the state government has sought legal clarification and scientific explanation from the central government about this radioactivity,” said Tripura Science and Technology Minister Joy Gobinda Debroy.
“There is no tangible scientific report about the effect of radiation of BTS and mobile phones, but it has been well-known that radioactivity beyond tolerant limits has dreadful affect on living organisms, that is why it is necessary to identify the amount of radio activity before starting the BTS operation,” the minister told reporters.
TSPCB chairperson Mihir Deb added that the union environment minister had recently issued a notification imposing a ban on setting up BTS in educational institutions, hospitals and densely populated areas.
“Recently, mobile phone towers in schools, hospital premises and heavily populated areas have been banned in some cities in India and it was made mandatory to take permission from the appropriate authority,” added a TSPCB official.
“This was done to limit the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure, following the stringent provisions of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) coming into force in May,” he added.
According to some scientific reports, the prevalence of brain tumours has increased by 30 percent among regular mobile phone users globally.
“Mobile phone and BTS radiations could affect human health; the increase of cancer and other dreadful diseases in the country might be due to the effect of such radiations,” said oncologist Partha Sarathi Sutradhar.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
1店铺屋顶竟安8电讯塔 居民集体抗议
2009年03月11日 08:51
郑国忠:非店屋拥有者 不知安装行动是否合法
附近居民吴忠泳表示,该电讯塔的存在严重影响到其环宇电视(Astro)的操作,由于不堪面对劣质的电视画面,他最终被逼关闭环宇电视频道。 相关照片
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The danger of relay antennas to health finally recognized!
F r e n c h R e p u b l i c
75291 PARIS CEDEX 06
TÉL : 01 42 34 34 43
FAX : 01 42 34 40 81
Paris, 5February 2009
Press Release
The danger of relay antennas to health finally recognized!
The Senators of the Green Party welcome the decision of the Versailles Court of Appeal to order the dismantling of a Bouygues Telecom relay antenna in Tassin la Demi-Lune in the Rhone.
This decision has confirmed the condemnation pronounced by the Court of Nanterre against the company Bouygues Telecom on the grounds that the presence of a mobile telephone relay antenna close to a house constitutes an abnormal nuisance to one's neighbor that can be removed only by dismantling the antenna.
This ruling gives legal recognition to the risks posed by mobile phone masts to human health, which may result in very serious health problems such as cancers.
The decision relies in particular on the 2007 BioInitiative report, which was prepared by a group of scientists who have no connection to any person or any company in the mobile phone business, and which calls on the public authorities of every country to review the statutory limits of exposure to electromagnetic fields.
It is now up to the Government to take responsibility for setting new standards that provide better protection for the health of the population, and thus prevent a new health catastrophe from happening.
Jean Desessard
Senator of Paris
Contact :
Monday, March 9, 2009
Residents living near the future site of a phone mast vs. Orange
Interdiction to install an Orange mobile phone antenna in a church tower.
A judge in Angers Tribunal de Grande Instance (District Court) has forbidden the Orange phone company to install mobile phone antennas in the bell tower of a church right next to a school.
This judgement is a first in France, since sentence has been passed before the event.
The judge explained that his decision was based specifically on the precautionary principle.
On the initiative of a residents' action group and the parents of pupils at the school, half the 400 inhabitants in Notre Dame d’Allençon, near Angers, who organised the petition against the installation of an Orange mobile phone base station in the bell tower of their church.
Within 50 metres of it there is a nursery school and a primary school, a fact that Françoise Aubin, the protest organiser, pointed out to Orange in no uncertain terms: "It will be right on top of the nursery school and the primary school, so we want it somewhere else!"
Faced with the decision by the Town Council to grant permission for the installation, the protest group realised that they had to act, and then took the initiative by bringing a petition against Orange before the District Court in Angers.
Their defence was undertaken by Maître Denis Seguin, a lawyer who specialises in environmental law, who in his summing up emphasised the precautionary principle:
"At Notre-Dame-d'Allençon, the children would be exposed against their will."
In his plea the lawyer listed the most common pathologies caused by exposure to artificial hyperfrequency microwave radiation.
In the name of the group Maître Seguin even proposed to Orange an alternative site:
"We made a proposition, but it would mean putting up a pylon, and the cost is not the same as in the bell tower."
Through their lawyer Maître Christian Sourau, from the bar of Val d'Oise, the response from Orange was not long in coming: "The bell tower exactly meets the requirements for completing the link-up of the network. Orange respects the regulations and the recommendations from the authorities."
As for the health hazards from artificial microwave radiation, he added: "All the effects cited are not scientifically proven. The experts have not found any health hazard. At Notre Dame d'Allençon the exposure to microwave emissions will be 50 times less than the statutory limit. The beams will not be directed at the school."
On Thursday 5 March 2009, after a month of deliberation, the judgement given by the Angers Court forbids Orange to install the relay antenna in the tower.
The Court (photo) explains its decision by pointing out that the site of the school is less than 100 metres from the church, and is therefore very likely to be subjected to the radiation from the antenna.
As a result the judgement stipulates that the school should be classed as a 'sensitive' building and therefore merits the specific application of article 110 of the environment code detailing the precautionary principle.
The decision is based also on a statement in the report of Prof. Denis Zmirou, the former Scientific Director of AFSSE (Health and Safety Authority):
"There is a health risk for people living nearby."
The judge also cites the statement that: "It is preferable to reduce to a minimum the exposure level of potentially vulnerable people such as children and certain people who are sick."
In consequence, "In the light of uncertainties over the guarantees offered for the protection of a sensitive building such as the municipal school ... the precautionary principle compels us to forbid the realisation of the plans to install relay antennas in the bell tower of the church of Notre-Dame d'Allençon".
The terms of the judgement sentence the phone operator Orange to pay the sum of 2500€ to the petitioners as well as costs.
In addition to being forbidden to install the antennas, Orange is also subject to a penalty of 5000€ "per observed offence per day if they carry out the prohibited works."
Sunday, March 8, 2009
French landmark ruling on cellphone tower
Article in
February 6, 2009 by Denise Young
In a first ever for France, telephone operator Bouygues Telecom was ordered on February 4 by a Versailles appeals court court to dismantle cellphone basetowers in the Lyons area on the basis of the precautionary principle and the potential health risk for nearby residents. The ruling is significant because it draws on the latest research such as the Bioinitiative Report as well as recent European court rulings in Salzburg (Austria), Freiburg and Bamberg (Germany) and Helsinki.
The day after the ruling, Nathalie Kosiusko Morizet called for a “Grenelle des Antennes” (a roundtable grouping all stakeholders to brainstorm policy, modelled on the 2007 Grenelle on the Environment) to respond to growing fears among the public about public health risks associated with electro-magnetic fields.
«I am proposing a round table, a Grenelle des antennes, to bring together viewpoints of deputies, elected officials, telephone operators, scientists… and to respond to growing fears of citizens.
Kosciusko-Morizet, formerly Junior Environment Minister who became Secretary of State for the Digital Economy in a cabinet reshuffle last month, is known as an ardent supporter of the precautionary principle.
To find out more about the effects of wireless technology on the body, read this excellent round-up from CBCnews in Canada.
via Liberation and Robin des Toits
仙人樂園組屋居民 要求移走“廢塔”;亚依淡居民不要电讯塔
亞依淡居民 籲拆2電訊塔
居民說,電訊塔危害健康的報告層出不窮,令人擔心長期在電訊塔下面對無線電磁波輻射的傷害。 居民引述2007年在德國Kempten West鎮的一項醫藥調查發現,在距離電訊塔300公尺內的受調查居民的血液內的羥色胺(seratonin)和褪黑激素(melatonin)嚴重劇減的可怕情況。
另一名居民張億英(50歲、家庭主婦)指出,自電訊塔建立後,她的睡眠不好,但在1年前服食一些中藥後,情況獲得改善,只是在停止服食有關藥物後,她又再睡眠不好。 相關照片
林西南出示2007年在德國Kempten West鎮的一項醫藥調查報告,發現住在電訊塔300公尺範圍內的居民,血液內的羥色胺(seratonin)和褪黑激素(melatonin)劇減。
林西南出示2007年在德國Kempten West鎮的一項醫藥調查報告,發現住在電訊塔300公尺範圍內的居民,血液內的羥色胺(seratonin)和褪黑激素(melatonin)劇減。
憂.仙人樂園居民白等一年 請拆電訊塔
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Phone mast for Totton means firm will relocate
Artcile in
7:10am Thursday 5th February 2009
By Chris Yandell »
A COMPANY is planning to quit its headquarters and move elsewhere because a mobile phone mast is due to be built next door.
Turbo Service International (TSI) has vowed to relocate after councillors supported plans to install a 15-metre mast just yards from the main building.
Bosses at the firm in Totton, which employs 25 people, say they are worried about potential health risks.
They have protested to New Forest District Council, which has given Orange Personal Communications the green light to install the mast between TSI, in Commercial Road and the Redbridge Causeway.
The letter says: “The mast is being sited in a location which causes serious concern to our company and specifically to our employees. There’s a far more suitable site nearby, where no objectors exist.
“As a company we are not prepared to accept the mast being positioned within 20 metres of our offices. You have left us with no choice but to relocate to a new site at considerable cost and upheaval to ourselves.”
TSI, which refurbishes ships’ turbo-chargers, has occupied the site since 1998.
Larry Rumbol, one of the founders, cited a major study carried out in West Kempten, Germany, where doctors took blood samples from people before and after a new mast was installed. According to the pressure group Mast Sanity, residents started to suffer a range of health problems, including depression, once the equipment was switched on.
Mr Rumbol said: “It will cost a significant amount to relocate but our health is more important than monetary considerations.” The council’s planning committee debated the application in November last year. A report to members said other potential sites in the area had been ruled out.
It stressed that the mast would improve 3G coverage in central Totton and added: “In these circumstances there is considered no reason to object.”
TSI is already searching for a new home in the Southampton area. Mr Rumbol admitted that the company’s reason for moving out could jeopardise its attempts to let the building.
An Orange spokesman said: “All our masts operate well within the international guidelines. We are sorry that a business is considering relocating due to the position of a new mast near their premises and would advise that they ensure they have the correct information from independent, credible organisations.”
Monday, March 2, 2009
Cell Phones: Communication Marvel or Health Menace?
Article in
Healing Path magazine assigned me this piece, coincidentally at a time when I was seeking anything that could help reverse a rash of poor health my family was experiencing. We’re doing better now, possibly in part by the awareness and lifestyle adjustments brought by my research. It is published in the Jan-Feb ‘09 issue.
by Sonia Koetting
It’s easy to agree that cell phones are exceptionally useful devices, and most of us use them at least occasionally. The American Cancer Society and the FDA continue to tell us that no evidence has been found linking the electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) of phones and other electronic devices to cancer. In 2004, a spokeswoman for the Mobile Operators Association said, “…the weight of scientific evidence to date suggests that exposure to radio waves from mobile phone handsets and base stations… do not cause adverse health effects.”
Then why have Germany, France, Sweden, Ontario and Israel issued warnings to their citizens about exposure to EMFs?
On September 25, 2008, a domestic policy subcommittee of our own government hosted a panel of interested parties to consider the veracity and urgency of this public health threat. At that meeting, Dr. David Carpenter, Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Albany, said that the expansion of wireless technology is enormous in its implications. He believes the FCC (in charge of regulating this technology) is unduly conservative in the favor of the industries they represent, and fails to protect public health. Chief of the FCC’s office of Technology, Julius Knapp, was also present at the meeting. Knapp admitted that the FCC is comprised of engineers, not biologists, and that he knows of no studies being done by the FCC with collaboration of the FDA. Committee Chair Rep. Dennis Kucinich vowed that the committee will not let this issue of public safety rest.
While Dr. Carpenter and others claim EMFs are implicated in numerous health effects like fatigue, headaches and learning disabilities — diverse symptoms for which the causes are difficult to ferret out — the data most strongly points to a link between mobile device radiation and 3 types of rare tumors:
• Glioma (Senator Ted Kennedy was recently diagnosed with this)
• cancer of the parotid (a salivary gland near the ear) and
• acoustic neuroma (a non-cancerous growth where the ear meets the brain, sometimes called a “schwannoma”).
The risk of these cancers seemed to double after 10 years of heavy use. The FDA admits that the average length of previous studies was only 3 years, and cumulative effects over such long periods have not been exhaustively researched.
With more than 3 billion cell phone users worldwide and growing, a steady increase of wireless technologies, and length of exposure growing with each passing year, even a miniscule risk is a significant public health issue.
That risk is the worst menace to children. A study in July 2008 by Devia Davis at the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh points to the fact that children absorb more radiation from their phones because their skulls are thinner, and the protective myelin sheath of a brain isn’t fully developed until age 20. Images from the study show how cell phone radiation reaches a small portion of an adult brain, but penetrates nearly the entire head of a child.
In 2006, The New York Times reported that the mobile industry had begun super-sizing marketing efforts toward tweens, and was introducing darling phone products to be cuddled by the 5-year-old age group. Parents perceive a safety benefit of their kids carrying cell phones, while perhaps overlooking the potential threat to the health of their child. Children of the world are now raging toward cell phones in numbers that shame Tickle Me Elmo and Cabbage Patch dolls. What is the outlook for a child who may well face 70 years of cell phone usage?
Because cell phone technology is one of the most lucrative and powerful businesses on the planet, some consumer advocates are labeling this a communication conspiracy: “Big Tobacco 2.0”. The consequences may dim statistics associated with public health disasters like asbestos and cigarettes.
In June 2008, the New York Times reported that an association with cancer does exist. The report cites a highly respected research effort of 13 European countries, the Interphone Study, which showed that radio waves do affect body cells and damage DNA. Definitive research to discover at what point this damage renders a serious health defect will take another 4 to 5 years, according to the German leaders of the research.
Perhaps we shouldn’t wait for industry advocates to agree a risk exists.
It takes too long to get answers from science, according to Ronald B. Herberman, Director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. He is one who calls for action now, especially in protecting children.
When two new cell phone towers were recently erected in Northern Colorado, it didn’t escape the notice of Longmont resident Debbie Kankiewicz, whose experience with natural alternatives to health led her to multi-national company BioPro. She cites over 350 cell phone antenna and 61 towers in a 4-mile radius centered over Fort Collins alone (check for your address). Technology can’t reverse, but products are marketed with the intent of protecting humans from the increasing effects of EMF exposure.
BioPro representatives like Kankiewicz believe even our smallest electrical appliances negatively affect us, though many scientists will point out a difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. It also is fair to say that some people are much more sensitive than average to the effects of electropollution, and this condition may change in a lifetime. The variables are so great that — like many potential health issues — people tend to cut the chase to the dire question of cancer.
But before cancer becomes an end result, Kankiewicz and others claim that consistent exposure to EMFs at any level affects the adrenal glands, and can manifest into disease such as fibromyalgia, chronic headaches, anxiety and even autism. Changing the bio-fields around her, she said, “totally affected my being, like a blanket of calm settled in front of me.” Her home is liberally sprinkled with BioPro “chips” on appliances and a “whole-house harmonizer”.
On the other hand,, a website produced in the U.K., warns against relying on “gizmos” to give protection. Afterall, your doctor and dentist trust only distance and lead aprons to keep bodies safe from ionizing x-rays.
As long as humans have been on earth, they’ve been exposed to naturally occuring sources of ionizing radiation from the soil, space and atmosphere. Technology escalates that environmental negative, though science has yet to agree on what degree. Meanwhile, on the heels of the rage toward a wireless world, comes businesses like BioPro, whose dealers sell stick-on devices to protect us from EMFs; and, which sell metal mesh and carbon paint as physical barriers to get relief from the constant bombardment.
While the U.S. government wrestles with the issue of illness related to cell phones, we each must decide for ourselves and our children — with consideration of individual factors like proximity to multiple sources of EMFs, overall health and integrity of immune systems — what we will do to minimize the risk of the increasing invisible pollution that’s part of the electronic modern world.
Actions to Mitigate the Potential Health Hazards of Radiation from Cell Phones
• Use your cell phone only when necessary, and don’t chat long. If you’re not expecting a call, turn the phone off. Otherwise, your phone checks contact with the nearest tower regularly, and that contact draws full power.
• Though Bluetooth headpieces have 100 times less radiation than the phone itself, it is advisable to remove it from your head when not talking.
• If possible, strategize to use your phone in areas with the best signal. claims this may reduce emissions by up to 500 times. Also, when indoors use your phone near a window, with it between your body and the window.
• Talking in a car or train should be avoided. Not only is it a distraction that could lead to accident, but the vehicle’s metal frame may trap the radiation, magnifying it.
• Every millimeter away from the body counts. Devia Davis said, “You’re just roasting your bone marrow” if you carry your phone in your pocket. Evidence suggests a man may adversely influence his fertility and libido by carrying a phone in his pocket. Clip the phone to a backpack, set it on the dashboard, or any other place than next to your body. Your winter coat pocket, or even back pocket of your pants, is preferable to your front pants pocket. Keep the antenna to the outer side. Eyes, breasts, testicles, kidneys and liver may be particularly vulnerable.
• Texting keeps the phone from your head. If your phone has one, use the speakerphone option for the same reason.
• Use a hollow-tube hands-free earpiece. The sound can travel the last length of the cord without having a wire run all the way to the ear.
• Discourage children from non-essential time on the phone, such as chattering for comfort (use a wired phone), or shopping for ring tones and wallpaper.
• Reduce your cumulative exposure to sources of EMFs. Don’t sit for hours next to the router in your home office, for instance, and move the cordless phone base station and clock radio away from the head of your bed. Avoid being in a WiFi setting if it isn’t necessary.
How Hot is Your Cell Phone?
One bit of regulation that exists in the U.S. to protect us is the FCC’s rule that cell phones may have a Standard Absorption Rate (SAR) of no more than 1.6 watts per KG. Here’s the low-down on which phones are closer to max or min:
Motorola models V195S, ZN5, VU204, W385, Deluxe ic902, i335 — ranging from 1.6 to 1.53
RIM Blackberry Curve models 8330 Sprint, U Cellular and Verizon Wireless — 1.54 to 1.53
T-Mobile Shadow (HTC) — 1.53
Samsung models SGH-G800, Soul, Innov8, SGH-T229, SGH-i450, Rugby SGH-A837, SLM SGH-A747, Access SGH-A827 — 0.23 to 0.486
Motorola RazrZv8 — 0.383
Nokia 6263 — 0.43
This guide is available at also recommends choosing a phone with low SAR, but with the awareness that some high SAR phones normally work at low power, while low SAR phones may be inefficient and must work at high power. Powerwatch states that in general, smaller phones have higher SARs. Also, the phones with external antenna keep radiation further from your head.
At Our House
Writing this article prompted me to assess my own family’s home, and a rash of illness we have had this fall. I’m a mom who likes to be thorough… and while I don’t avoid our allopathic doctors, I may just as easily call an alternative healer, massage therapist, counselor or psychically sensitive person. Often, the answer lies between the various specialities.
With the education this article has afforded me, I can add EMFs as a potential villain when an apparent immune system conspiracy hits my family. This is a significant challenge, as our home office rivals the control deck of the Starship Enterprise (except way messier) and we do love to be mobile. Koetting Media Limited is captain of our house, and we are ever grateful for the income it provides. However, we are nothing without our health and I like to promote that we are too smart to be slaves to convenience. And so this family has decided to compromise a few things.
We will unplug the amazing home WiFi. While it is uniquely entertaining to do virtual tours of homes in Tasmania from our bed, the number of times we would like to access the internet away from our office may not be worth the constant pulses the system must make. This will be most challenging for my husband, who loves nothing more than to whip out his laptop and consult Wikipedia to lay to rest questions at the dinner table or parties.
Next comes my rough challenge: Life with as little use of the microwave oven as possible. Ours is a high-power brushed steel model, which I got to choose on move-in. Now I’m to consider it as an attractive ornament that fits the space over the range. This means we’ll reheat coffee with a plug-in coil, warm soup in a pot we have to wash, and steam vegetables the “old-fashioned” way. I am putting a ribbon on the handle of the microwave oven to remind us to at least think before deciding to use it. And when I see that ribbon, I’ll remember the noise — way on the other side of the room — that 1,700 watts made on an electropollution measuring device.
I moved our bedside phone to the floor, just far enough away from the bed to be able to reach it if a call comes in the night. Previously, it was about a foot away from my husband’s sleeping head. I also am moving the phone in my office away from head level.
Moving the phones is a mean-time measure while I search for corded phones to replace our corded system. offers a “safer” cordless phone, but I’m not inclined to purchase something I can’t easily return to a box store when it malfunctions (as ours always do). Trying to find the old-fashioned phones is like trying to find rap music on vinyl. And when I do make us a tethered home again, there goes my ritual of catching up with a girlfriend while I mop the kitchen floor.
Perhaps in time, after a long stretch of vitality for everyone in our house, if we still haven’t become thoroughly adjusted to the lifestyle changes, I may consider reintroducing these conveniences, one at a time.
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