我国教育部宣布将在西马所有中小学,全面使用新的互联网系统「1BestariNet」,取代於2010年停用的学校互联网系统「School Net」。1BestariNet 由马来西亚教育部与杨忠礼通讯合作下提供基于云储存的虚拟学习平台和连接全国10,000所学校的高速互联网的一项电子教学计划。
1BestariNet项目把青蛙虚拟学习模式(Frog VLE)经由4 G宽带连接全国学校,青蛙虚拟学习模式是极具人性化的程式,为各学校而定制。而且它也提供了完善的管理成面,使教师,管理人员,甚至学生能完全嵌入他们学习的环境。主要的是集行政和教学於一体的性能。截至今年3月,这项计划已覆盖全国1275间学校,并预计将在2013年或今年内,推行至全国逾万间中小学,以提倡资讯工艺时代的电子教育模式。这项15亿令吉计划,由杨忠礼电力旗下的杨忠礼通讯施工。
据我们所知,许多学校已接到通知将被施与此项系统。他们除了将在校内推行Wi-Fi/无线网路通信技术上网之外,还得在学校范围內兴建电讯塔(WIMAX~World Interoperability for Microwave Access - 即全球微波接入互操作性的发射塔,是一种高速、宽带无线数字式电信系统)。
身为父母及防电磁波辐射公害团体的一员,我们必须慎重的提醒大众,尤其是学校单位、董事会、家长、家协及各部门。Wi-Fi(无线网路通信技术)是与电讯塔使用相同的技术的发射器。一般家长都非常抗拒电话通信发射器(电讯塔)建设在居家和学校附近,但却没有发觉其实Wi-Fi使用的也是相同的技术,它也具有微波/电磁波辐射。英国的Stewart Report S1.42里提到“在没有与学校成员或家长达成任何协议,如此大强度的辐射是不应该落于学校或建筑物的任何一部分”
在2012年1月,美国环境医学学院宣告:“慢性暴露于无线电频率辐射是一种可以预防的环境危害,现已有充分数据,足以支持即时履行预防的公共卫生措施.... 孩子们特别有大脑发展被影响、和学习及行为受损的风险。
2012年8月23日,以色列卫生部副部长Yaakov Litzman 倡议其教育部长Gideon Sa'ar 停止在学校安装无线网络,尤其是在有据可查的危害报告下。我们坚定的相信,我们以民为本的政府是应该做得到,为我们的孩子提供一个“安全”的学习环境。
Press Release of Penang EMF Radiation Protection Association
24 September 2012:
Recently, the ministry of education is implementing 1BestariNet project in 10,000 schools in our country. The purpose of this 1BestariNet (http://1bestarinet.net/) is to provide mobile Internet and high-speed 4G Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in all schools throughout Malaysia. Ministry of Education in collaboration with YTL Communications provides wireless Internet high speed 4G Frog Virtual Learning Environment together with the effective schools throughout Malaysia.
The Frog learning platform is an inclusive solution that will meet the needs of all schools, regardless of their abilities or geographical and socio-economic barriers. All schools, whether urban or rural, will have access to the same, high quality resources and content, giving equal delivery of education to all Malaysian children. The new learning platform solution will support collaboration between high and low performing schools, sharing best teaching methods and resources – helping all schools to raise standards in the way teaching is delivered to students. http://www.frogtrade.com/frogweb/website2012/news.html
At the same time, they also requesting to erect a Wimax(World Interoperability for Microwave Access) tower in these school compound to allow the school enjoy these facilities (newspaper cutting attached to show what happened in few states).
As parents as well the members of EMF Radiation Protection Association, we would like to draw the attention of all parties to the severity of the matter. We need to act fast because parents and school administrators don’t seem to realize that there could be serious health consequences from overexposure to wireless radiation. We are writing to the following departments to express our concern:
1) PM office 2) Ministry of Education 3) Ministry of Health and
The public, especially the school boards, PIBG (PTA) and administrators of all schools in the country must be aware that Wi-Fi uses the same technology as phone antenna. The Stewart report S1.42 states “The beam of greatest intensity should not fall on any part of the school or building without agreement from the school or parents”. Many parents would object to a phone mast near their homes or children’s schools and may not be aware that Wi-Fi is using the same technology.
We fully support the use of computers and the promotion of technology in education, but we believe that it must be implemented in a SAFE manner. We should not expose our children to unnecessary health risks by Wi-Fi, while there are hardwired options available.
In May 2011 the World Health Organization's IARC (International Agency on Research of Cancer) has classified cellular phone / Wi-Fi radiation as 2B Possible Carcinogen. In October, 2011, Health Canada asked parents to reduce children's radiofrequency exposure since "children are typically more sensitive to a variety of environmental agents" and "there is currently a lack of scientific information regarding the potential health impacts of cell phones on children".
As to the IARC warning, it is indeed a serious one. Also in the 2b "possible human" carcinogen classification are DDT, diesel exhaust, and Chlordane among hundreds of other neurotoxins and possibly carcinogenic-to-human toxins. Do we allow Wi-Fi in our schools and think nothing of it? Would you allow DDT or Chlordane to be misted throughout the classrooms all day, 5 days a week, or diesel exhaust to be ventilated into the classrooms from the garages that house the school buses?
Homes and schools are the two places where children spend the most amount of time. Parents have the choice to take measures to reduce children's exposure to microwave radiation at home by using wired computers which offer the same educational benefits with better security and speed. However, children are now FORCED to use wireless laptops and tablets which bear long-term health risks, and they are given no choice to avoid this exposure.
These invisible waves are microwaves and "Radio waves" is a lovely euphemism. Please do not continue to expose young children to microwave radiation throughout their formative years.
On 23 August 2012, the Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman in a call to the Education Minister of Israel, Gideon Sa'ar, to stop the installation of wireless internet in schools due to the well documented hazards of RF- EMF. It is our strong belief that our citizen-centric government should be doing the same to provide safe learning environments for our children.
We URGE the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and all related parties to halt the installation of wireless internet and cell tower in all schools in our country to safe our children.
Reducing exposure at home and in schools will reduce the majority of cumulative exposure for children.
We recommend that wired alternatives to Wi-Fi be implemented; particularly in schools and libraries so that children are not subjected to elevated RF radiations.
Wired Internet has many advantages: it's faster, it can carry more data, it is more secure from hacking, and it doesn't irradiate kids.
Please join the call to withdraw wifi in schools in favor of adopting wired and shielded networks.