
Monday, May 30, 2011



聯合國轄下的國際癌症研究所 (International Agency for Research on Cancer;IARC) 公佈之癌症分類表中,塑化劑鄰苯二甲酸二辛酯(DEHP)及極低頻電磁輻射(Extra low frequency, ELF EMFs),都屬第二級 B 類 ( Group 2B ) 致癌物,泛指對人類有可能致癌,對動物為很可能也是致癌物。「2B類致癌物」共二百多種,常見還有黃樟素、四氯化碳、乙醛、鉛、二異氰酸甲苯、抗愛滋病藥物 zidovudine、汽油引擎廢氣、乾洗業、氯仿、DDT 等。


極低頻電磁輻射(ELF EMFs)與塑化劑(DEHP)同是「2B類致癌物」,塑化劑違法添加已受到國人重視,而極低頻電磁輻射因眾多變電箱、變電所、高壓電塔及地下高壓電纜鄰近住宅不當設置,使許多民宅極低頻電磁輻射超過2毫高斯以上,無數兒童民眾暴露於「2B類致癌物」中,罹癌機率大增。


今年5月14日台灣電磁輻射公害防治協會與各地自救會上街頭遊行抗議,要求環保署應修正非游離輻射「環境建議值」(Basic limit and Reference level)名稱為「瞬間暴露參考限制值」,要求應明確規範「環境建議值」非指長時間低劑量暴露安全值;也要求政府公佈極低頻電磁輻射為「2B級可能致癌物」,行政部門應訂定規範,防範民眾增加罹癌風險並免使民眾長時間暴露於極低頻電磁輻射3~4毫高斯以上。



1.Li CY, Lin RS and Lin CH . Urbanization and childhood leukaeia in Taiwan. Int Epi. Associa. 1998; 27:587-591.

2.Li CY, WC Lee and Lin RS. Risk of Leukemia in children living near high-voltage transmission lines.JOE.1998, 40:144-147.

3. Li CY, G T. and Lin RS . Residential exposure to 60-Hertz agnetic fields and adult cancers in Taiwan. Epideiology 1997,8:27-30

4. 李中一(1990)。電磁場暴露與小兒白血病之流行病學研究。台灣大學公共衛生研究所碩士論文。

5. 林瑞雄(1992)。電磁場暴露與小兒癌症之流行病學研究。國科會委託專題研究計畫報告。

6. 李維進(1994)。高壓輸電線的磁場暴露與小兒白血病之流行病學研究。國防醫學院公共衛生學研究所碩士論文。

作者: 陳椒華 台灣電磁輻射公害防治協會理事長 嘉南藥理科技大學副教授

Rogers withdraws cell tower plan for PoCo

What started as an issue dealing with dead zones appears to be a dead issue altogether -- at least for now.

Rogers Communications Inc. withdrew its application to build a cellphone tower in Port Coquitlam's Greenmount Park seemingly at the 11th hour Tuesday, issuing a written statement to Mayor Greg Moore about 30 minutes before council was set to vote on the matter.

Ken Barlow, Rogers' municipal and industry relations manager, signed off on the statement.

"After our community consultation and many conversations with community members and elected officials, we are choosing to withdraw our application for the Greenmount Park antenna," the statement reads. "We continue to be steadfast in our commitment to working with the city to improve our service in this growing community."

In an interview Wednesday, Moore said he would have voted against the proposal regardless of Rogers' position, though that written statement effectively nullified the need to vote on the matter.

"I was surprised, but I think that they realized that there was a good likelihood that council was going to vote against it," Moore said.

A Rogers spokesperson confirmed Thursday that public opposition led the company to withdraw its proposal. "We just didn't have the support we needed to move forward with this particular location, but we continue to be committed to improving service in this growing community," said Sara Holland, senior manager with Rogers Regional Communications.

Rogers had originally applied to lease city-owned land in Greenmount Park to build a telecommunications tower in an undeveloped wooded area north of the cemetery and east of the Oxford Street extension.

The company had said it needed to increase network capacity in parts of PoCo and Coquitlam, decreasing the amount of wireless dead zones in those areas.

"It's been a long process, so I was somewhat surprised to see them withdraw it, but at the same time, I was certainly aware of the concerns that were being expressed and the opposition that was being voiced," Coun. Brad West said. "I'm sure that Rogers was hearing the same thing that city council was hearing and made the decision that this location wasn't going to be supported."

Given Tuesday's move by Rogers, council directed staff to draft up a telecommunications policy that will be overseen by the city's community safety committee.

"We're going to go through a process led by our community safety committee to develop guidelines so that we can hear the input from our residents about where they should go or shouldn't go from an emissions perspective and from a sightlines perspective," Moore said. "It also gives guidance to the industry so they're not wasting time and energy going into places where really they don't have a chance to get approval from council. So I think it's respecting both sides."

Council Orders New Draft of Cellphone Tower Ordinance

The city attorney and a city engineer will author the first draft of the ordinance.
By Arin Mikailian | Email the author | May 26, 2011

The Calabasas City Council on Wednesday directed the city attorney to draft a new version of the community’s wireless telecommunications facilities ordinance.

The new ordinance will include recommendations from city commissions that state no cellphone tower should be built in a residential area or in the public right of way without an applicant demonstrating a significant gap in coverage, according to a staff report.

Additional requirements include developing a setback for such towers from schools, homes and parks, the staff report stated.

The modified language would apply to all cellphone tower applications submitted following approval of a new ordinance. There are nearly 60 cellphone facility sites up and running in Calabasas.

A lengthy discussion took place on who should be charged with authoring the new ordinance before the responsibility was passed onto City Attorney Michael Colantuono and Jonathan Kramer, an engineer consultant with the city.

The first draft of the ordinance would then go before the Communication and Technology Commission for review, followed by a reading by a third party consultant who would provide feedback and recommend changes, said City Manager Tony Coroalles.

The council has the authority to either approve or deny the new ordinance.

Councilman Fred Gaines said he was in favor of having someone in house draft the ordinance because it would be more cost effective to have a third party review the document than paying someone to write one from scratch.

Councilwoman Lucy Martin said she disagreed, adding that she wants a fresh perspective instead of someone who is familiar with the language of the current ordinance.

“I really think that is a waste of our citizens’ time,” she said.

Another key change to be included in the update is passing on the duty of reviewing cellphone tower applications to the Communications and Technology Commission.

The council will consider adopting a moratorium on reviewing cellphone tower applications at its June 8 meeting. The moratorium would be in place as the city works to draft a new ordinance.

Councilman Fred Gaines he strongly opposed such an action because it would be sending the wrong message.

“Moratoriums are for when you have an emergency, I don’t want us to be a city that jumps into these kinds of things,” he said, adding: “If there was a rush of applications, maybe.”

There are four cellphone tower applications under review by the city, said Community Development Director Maureen Tamuri.

Councilman Jonathan Wolfson said the notion of a moratorium has always been on the table, dating back to when discussions of updating the wireless ordinance began last year.

“We have been looking at this for more than a year, we’re not acting in a rash manor,” he said.

Coroalles said the city would begin looking for an outside consultant to review the new ordinance sometime next week.

Huntley calls off cell phone tower

Friday, May 27, 2011 5:30 a.m. CDT


A proposal to erect a 175-foot tall cell phone tower in Huntley failed to gain approval at Thursday night’s Village Board meeting.

The Huntley Village Board voted unanimously to reject the petition from SBA Towers II LLC. for a special use permit establishing a wireless telecommunication service facility on the north side of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks.

Last week at a Committee of the Whole meeting, Village Board members agreed to consider the proposal for a vote at Thursday’s meeting. SBA’s request for a permit had been rejected by the Plan Commission this month, also by a 6-0 vote.

SBA, an independent operator and owner of wireless towers, has said the telecommunications carriers it worked with identified the site location to provide better service coverage to its customers. The proposed location would deliver stronger and “uninterrupted signal coverage in the downtown area and on the major transportation routes through town,” SBA said in a statement submitted to the village.

If approved, the tower’s 2,500-square-foot wide facility area would have been on the southeast end of a manufacturing-zoned lot, about 320 feet from Mill Street.

But some residents have been opposed to the proposal. At a public hearing earlier this month, they said the location was not suitable for such a facility. Others, including Donna Britton, chairwoman of Huntley’s Historic Preservation Commission, expressed concerns about how the 175-foot tower structure and its facility would affect the aesthetics of the surrounding neighborhood.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

电讯塔没拆反装电缆电表 布朗花园居民怒吼

■ 当地居民拉横幅反对电讯塔架设在该区。

■ 居民与M.珊达在现场争论。

■ 电表上注明“PDC Telecommunication”,相信有关电表是由槟州发展机构安装。

二零一一年五月二十七日 凌晨十二时九分







槟 城电磁辐射公害防护联盟顾问兼国阵双溪槟榔州选区协调员涂仲仪医生则表示,电讯塔已证实危害人体健康,因此他呼吁,有关当局正视此事,勿一再藐视民声。他 揶揄槟州政府,当地居民抗议、写信投诉,有关当局依然无动于衷、视而不见,但偏偏做多了其他事,即架设电缆及电表于该处。








她提及,任何投诉或欲寻求协助都可前往位于布朗花园的服务中心(56,Jalan Permai)或联络峇都蛮州选区助理Francis,012-4097507。

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

電訊轉播站令人不適 老街場居民促拆除

2011-05-08 18:05

  • ■電訊轉播站豎立在屋頂上,令附近一帶居民感到不適。






