
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cancer clusters at phone masts

The Sunday Times
April 22, 2007

Daniel Foggo

SEVEN clusters of cancer and other serious illnesses have been discovered around mobile phone masts, raising concerns over the technology’s potential impact on health.

Studies of the sites show high incidences of cancer, brain haemorrhages and high blood pressure within a radius of 400 yards of mobile phone masts.

One of the studies, in Warwickshire, showed a cluster of 31 cancers around a single street. A quarter of the 30 staff at a special school within sight of the 90ft high mast have developed tumours since 2000, while another quarter have suffered significant health problems.

The mast is being pulled down by the mobile phone after the presentation of the evidenceoperator O2 by local protesters. While rejecting any links to ill-health, O2 admitted the decision was “clearly rare and unusual”.

Phone masts have provoked protests throughout Britain with thousands of people objecting each week to planning applications. There are about 47,000 masts in the UK.

Dr John Walker, a scientist who compiled the cluster studies with the help of local campaigners in Devon, Lincolnshire, Staffordshire and the West Midlands, said he was convinced they showed a potential link between the angle of the beam of radiation emitted from the masts’ antennae and illnesses discovered in local populations.

“Masts should be moved away from conurbations and schools and the power turned down,” he said.

Some scientists already believe such a link exists and studies in other European countries suggest a rise in cancers close to masts. In 2005 Sir William Stewart, chairman of the Health Protection Agency, said he found four such studies to be of concern but that the health risk remained unproven.

New Austrian Study On Cancer And A Mobile Phone Base Station

Wednesday February 13th 2008, 11:23 am

Filed under: Cell Phone Towers From Gerd Oberfeld MD from the Public Health Department of Styria (AUSTRIA)

Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached a release from the Austrian Press Agency (apa) and the executive summary of a report I wrote on behalf of the Public Health Department of Styria (AUSTRIA).

The study was designed as a case-control study in order to assess the cancer risk associated with the individual exposure from a Mobile Phone Base Station (NMT450) operated for 13 years in a residental area. The omni directional antenna was mounted 8 meters above ground.The study will be discussed at the Austrian Ministry of Health in February.

Best regards Gerd Oberfeld MDGesundheit/Umwelt/Wissenschaft/Telekommunikation/IT/Steiermark

New case study confirms increased cancer risk by portable radio radiation

The Health Ministry examines the results of the collection of cancers in the periphery of 200 meters of a C-net-transmitting mobile phone base station close to Graz; Graz-Austrian Press Agency (APA) - stated a“significantly increased cancer risk in the periphery of 200 meters by portable telephone radio radiation” was determined by the Salzburg environmental physician Dr Gerd Oberfeld in the context of a study given by the health department of the county of Steiermark ordered in the year 2005.

Cancer incidence data was collected in the area of Vasoldsberg / Hausmannstaetten (district of outer Graz) where a mobile phone base station for the C-net (NMT450) was operated from 1984 to 1997.

Starting point of the study was the suspicion about the number of cancer illnesses in the local population. This was confirmed by the study author Dr Gerd Oberfeld. In the study design it was assumed that the mobile phone basestation could be a factor. The study area was a circular area with a radius of approximately 1,200 meters around the transmitter. A case control study was carried out using three different samples. One of the conditions was for people to live at least five years in the area being studied.

The most meaningful sample covered 67 cases - living persons and the deceased cancer patients based on the medical records - compared with the 1,242 ‘control people’. With one of the three samples (84 persons) the radiation strength in the sleep areas measured using a test signal generator which was set up 25 meters beside the original basestation. In addition, the radiation levels were calculated with the help of a computer program.

The agreement between the measurements and computations was very good according to Oberfeld: “that was a sufficiently good approach for the former exposure. This meant that the computation results could also be used for evaluating the larger samples.

Vasoldsberg/Hausmannstaetten was “an exceptional case with an antenna height of only about eight meters, in the middle of a residential area”, stated the study author in the APA discussion. Normally the omnidirectional antennas with a length of approximately two meters for C-net were located on higher masts on elevated sites.

The distance between two transmitters lay usually in the range 30 to 50 kilometers. Oberfeld: “It would be meaningful to examine a second location with a similar features to confirm the result of Hausmannstaetten .”

The results of the study caused the political head of the public health authority of Styria Helmut Hirt (S), to pass the study on directly to the “working group health effects of electromagnetic fields” of the Ministry of Health. The working group will examine the results further in February in a special meeting and will introduce further measures if necessary.

The C-net, also as “in-car telephone C” become known, was switched off at the end of 1997 after 13 years. Like Austria, since 2004 other Western European countries have licensed the NMT 450MHz system again. In the year 2006 Austria and the Swedish Green network acquired the frequencies for a radio T-Mobile InterNet system.

12 February 08

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


手機基地台(电讯塔)與健康的關聯Mobile Phone Masts And Health Concerns

作者:Mrs. Eileen O’Connor
電磁波研究基金會 (Trustee-EM Radiation Research Trust)

筆者為電磁場討論族群之一員,該族群之主席為Sir William Stewart,他也是英國健康局的主席。筆者於2006年10月16日受邀在健康局針對此一題目發表演說。筆者為SCRAM(Seriously Concerned Residents Against Masts),RRT(EM Radiation Research Trust電磁波研究基金會)和h.e.s.e.英國(Human Ecological Social Economic)的創始會員。














英國的行動人士則與退休物理學家John Walker博士合作,有六項研究顯示長期曝露在基地台電磁波的環境下,會罹患嚴重症狀的機率。在John Walker博士的研究中,清楚地指出1.5V/m的曝露值有許多疾病出現,這樣的曝露值明顯低於標準值40?50V/m(範圍取決於微波頻率)。如果在高功率密度區域,則罹病比率大約會增加10到12的百分比,實例可見於網站


德國有報導指出,在基地台天線附近區域,乳癌病例增為七倍,一篇2006年九月21日的報告中,柏林的癌症門診中心主任ROLAND STABENOW醫生提出了這樣的數據並提出警告。



有明顯的證據顯示:曝露量SAR 1.3W/kg,且時間長達24小時,則細胞中的染色體損傷顯而易見,此劑量可換算成ICNIRP/WHO分級2W/kg的劑量,而這樣的染色體損傷等同於胸部X光1600劑量,在RRT的網頁上,投影片檔案中附有圖片。

德國Naila當地醫生有長達十年的研究數據,發現基地台周圍四百公尺範圍內,經過五年的電磁波曝露,新型惡性腫瘤的病例增為三倍(數據為1994?2004年間的1000筆病例)。該基地台在1993年開始運作:針對1994?2004的期間,新診斷出的癌症病例所得到的統計數據值RR=3:1Adjusted for age and gender for newly diagnosed tumours.參考資料:Eger al,2004,″the nfluence of being physicallyNear to a Cell PhoneTransmission Maot on the Incidence of cancer,17.4.2004


參考出處:Wolf D&Wolf D,2004 “increase of cancer near cell-phone transmitter station, intanational journal of cancer prevention 1-2,april ,2004醫生也加入預警行動的推動 (芬蘭:赫爾辛基訴求 ,2005)

芬蘭的EMF團體在訴求中提出,他們呼籲歐洲議會即時採用新的安全標準,幾位物理學家以及研究人員深深感覺到,預警原則在電磁波防護上並未充分運用,他們希望放棄ICNIRP 標準,根據的理由則是新出爐的研究結果,ICNIRP 標準不適用於手機與射頻電磁波,他們也呼籲歐盟採取即時的措施來解決REFLEX計劃的資金籌募問題,因為這項計劃提出手機電磁波基因危害的相關證據,而這樣的研究計劃應該繼續下去。



俄羅斯,中國與許多歐洲國家摒棄ICNIRP標準,開始關心電磁波對生物的影響。中國的健康部門揭露了電磁波的相關研究結果,過去十年間針對手機電磁波的研究顯示,大多數的結果都呈現出對生物的影響 在154筆研究中,有88筆(比例為57%)顯示有影響,這些影響包括癌症,基因細胞變化,電磁生理效應,行為改變等等。這些結果來自於華盛頓(西雅圖)大學HENRY LAI博士於2003年的研究,報告中說:證據的數量與代表性如此顯著,因此應該盡全力來消除這些效應。中國因此舉辦了國際性研討會,時間是2005年九月,目的在討論出非游離輻射防謢的安全標準,會中参與的科學家也發現:低能量的射頻輻射足以引發DNA斷裂。

西班牙La Nora,Mercia 2004年的研究資料

Navarro E A,et al,2003,The Microwave syndrome: A preliminary study in Spain, Spain摘自 Electromagnetic Bioligy and Medicine,Volume 22,Issue 2,(2003):161-169 (電磁生物醫學雜誌
, 2003)Oberfeld G,et al,2004,The Microwave syndrome—Further Astects of a Spanish Study-
International Conference Proceedings,Kos,Greece 2004


電磁波症狀分群敘述如下:Group 1:沒有症狀Group 2:睡眠障礙、疲倦感、沮喪Group 3:頭痛、浮躁、暈眩、易怒、健忘、學習障礙、用字障礙Group 4:易染病、鼻竇炎、淋巴結腫大、關節四肢疼痛、神經或軟組織疼痛、痠麻刺痛、過敏Group 5:聽力受損、突發聽力喪失、暈眩、平衡感受損、視力受損、眼睛紅腫、眼睛乾澀Group 6:心悸、偶發性高血壓、衰弱Group 7:其它症狀(荷爾蒙失調、甲狀腺疾病、夜間盜汗、頻尿、體重增加、噁心、食慾不振、流鼻血、皮膚不舒服、疹子、腫瘤、糖尿病等。


作者以奧地利某地1年內 .鄉村與都市中有10個基地台的地區作為研究對象,共365名患者(以900MHz 基地台為主),量測336家庭的電磁場強度。電磁場較高的0.2V/m控制組家庭相對有較高的症狀比例。


建議採預警措施,以減低基地台附近居民電磁波暴露量Subjective symptoms, sleeping problems, and cognitive performance in subjects living near mobile phone base stations摘自 Occup. Environ. Med. 2006; 63; 307-313 (職業環境醫學雜誌 2006; 63; 307-313)


Neurobehavioral effects among inhabitants around mobile phone base stations摘自:NeuroToxicology (2006) (神經毒性學雜誌, 2006)

這項研究中包括Akrotiri, Asomatos, Panotyvides,三地的比較,所量測的射頻曝露量包括了所有的來源,連軍用電波也涵蓋於其中。前兩個村莊為曝露組,電磁波以GSM手機訊號為主(最高達1.4v/m)至於軍用電波17.6兆赫則達0.3v/m的強度,而平均數值則低於最大值的一半.控制組Pano Kyvides對應到的電磁波強度<0.01v/m,在癌症,新生兒缺陷或婦產科問題上沒有偏多的現象,但有知覺危害的現象以及偏頭痛,頭痛,暈眩比例增加的情形。以下表列機率增加比例:

三地的樣本數分別為800、350、1000問卷分送至所有的住戶,問卷回收比率87%Preece A W,et al,2005,The Akrotiri Military Antennae Survey Report.新版已做相關圖片及資料更新英國採用的安全標準由ICNIRP所定,然而,此項標準只供考慮微波的熱效應,換句話說, ICNIRP只能避
免身體溫度提高,而科學證據顯示許多其他的生物變化會出現, ICNIRP也未涵蓋長期曝露的效應。

Benevento Resolution 2006

國際電磁波安全委員會舉辦一場國際性研討會,會議名稱為『電磁波預警措施的理論基礎、立法與執行』,舉辦的地點位於義大利Benevento市,時間為2006年二月,會議是為了向醫學博士W.Ross Adey(1922━2004)致敬,會議中的科學家支持2002年的Catania Resolution。有更多的證據顯示,目前電磁波能量會產生負面的健康影響,現在需要的是足夠的,獨立的,透明化的檢驗現有的證據,這類的評估所擁有的資源,整體而言仍嫌不足,和無線通訊以及電力輸送所獲得的資源不成比例。關於低能量電磁波不會影響生物體系的論點不能代表現今的科學整體意見需要做的是,促使政府採用合適的標準,讓這套標準足以反映預警的原則用以規範公眾場所與工作場所的電磁波的曝露量,某些國家已經達到這樣的地步。




孩童法案 1989

訂立相關單位的規範法案,以保護孩童免遭危害。孩童保護法案和一般法案成立的條件有很大的不同,不需要確切證明危害的存在,只要有疑慮就足以訂立預警的原則所涵蓋的案例都是科學證據不充分,無法達到確切結論的案例,但的確存在著健康或環境所受負面影響的合理依據。當科學無法給出明確答案時,預警原則提供了行動的基礎。預警原則由誰來主導?以英國而言,這角色指向健康維護部門,全球則仰賴世界衛生組織,筆者急切地呼籲HPA和WHO建議有關當局針對手機基地台,無線電話設定預警原則,在尚未證實安全之前,不要架設無線電腦網路。每年政府大約從手機通訊產業的利潤獲得10兆元英鎊,政府急用基金應該釋出至少50兆英鎊來翻譯德國、俄國的研究,協助教育計劃、媒體推行、以及資助獨立科學家進行深入的研究基金可以提供給電磁波研討團體,這團體由William Stewart擔任主席,具有不同領域,不同觀點的專家,可以引導出健康的辯論,可以避免大眾的指責與疑慮,這些大眾之前已對民主程序失去信心
這樣的安排可以挽回大眾的信心手機通訊產業為非民選官員 常會忽略在地居民的需求。

引述諾貝爾兩度提名人Robert O.Becker的言論:

參考資料:References:EM Radiation Research Trust Ecological Social Economic Concerned Residents against Masts Association of Fire Fighters report (2000) -T-Mobil in GermanyMobile Telecommunications and HealthReview of Scientific ResearchIn view of Precautionary Health ProtectionCommissioned by T-Mobil, DeTeMobil Deutsche Telekom MobilNet GmbHAuthors, Dr. Kerstin Hennies, Dr. H.-Peter NeitzkeDr. Hartmut Voigt, with the support of Dr. Gisa-Kahle Anders[]=T-MobilReflexhttp://www.verumfoundation/.de/www2004/html/pdf/euprojekte01/REFLEX_Final%20Report_Part%201.pdfNatanya, Israel study at the Kaplan Medical Centre by GPsWolf D & Wolf D, 2004, Increase of Cancer near Cell-Phone Transmitter Station, Intanational
Journal ofCancer Prevention 1-2, April 2004.Finland: Helsinki Appeal 2005 Irish Doctors' Environmental Association (IDEA), concentration, and behavioural disorders, headaches, migraines, nervous and
connective tissuepains, sleeplessness, daytime sleepiness, chronic exhaustionEger H, et al, 2004, The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission
Mast on theIncidence of Cancer, Umwelt·Medizin·Gesellschaft 17.4.2004Catania Resolution September 13-14, 200211Santini:Santini et al (Paris) [Pathologie Biologie (Paris)] 2002 problems Fatigue Headache Nausea irritability Memory loss Concentration difficulty
DepressionThe Microwave Syndrome – Further Aspect of a Spanish Study – Oberfeld Gerd. Press InternationalConference in Kos (Greece), 2004 E A, et al, 2003, The microwave syndrome: a preliminary study in Spain, ElectromagneticBiology & Medicine 22 (2 & 3) 161-169Bamberg (July 2005) Dr. Cornelia Waldmann Selsam:Sleep problems, fatigue, depression, headaches, dazed state/dizziness, concentration problems, memoryproblems, learning difficulties, headaches, restlessness, dazed state, irritability, disturbance ofconcentration, forgetfulness, learning difficulties, difficulty finding words.Balmori (storks):Alfonso Balmori Valladolid, Spain is published in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 24:
109-119,2005.]Behavioural problems, concentration and co-ordination problems, apparent fertility problems.Loscher and Kas of Universities of Hannover Veterinary School and University of the German Army inMunich 1998.Hutter H-P et al, 2006, Subjective symptoms, sleeping problems, and cognitive performance in subjectsliving near mobile phone base stations, Occup Environ Med 2006;63:307–313H-P Hutter, H Moshammer, P Wallner and M Kundi (Abdel-Rassoul 2006) Community, Encironmental and Occupational Medicine Department,
Facultyof Medicine, Menoufiva University, Shebin, El-Kom, EgyptMemory problems, headaches, sleep disturbance, dizziness, depression, concentration
problems,irritability. PMID: 16962663 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]Preece (Cyrpus, 2005)Migraine, headache, dizziness, depression, general vitality, mental/emotional problems


Six Studies Showing Ill-Health Effects From Mobile Phone Base Station Masts (2005年2月21日Dr Grahame Blackwell提出)

一、2002年法国巴黎的生物病理学研究Santini et al.Pathol Biol) [Pathologie Biologie (Paris)],发现居住在距离300公尺的居民有明显健康影响。结论包括以下建议:电讯塔应与住宅区包持至少300公尺距离。

二、2003年9月荷兰经济事务、房屋、空间规划、环境、保健、福利及体育部(Netherlands Ministries of Economic Affairs, Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment,and Health, Welfare and Sport)的研究报告:在电讯塔的安全水平下发现居民受到显著影响,比如头痛及头晕等。

三、根据奥地利Salzburg公共保健部门、西班牙的La Fe大学医院、西班牙Valencia大学的应用物理部门及西班牙的欧洲生物电磁基金会(FEB)的研究报告显示:在靠近两个电讯塔的居民被发现健康有影响,发现居民有忧郁趋向、疲劳、睡眠受干扰、不能集中精神、心脏问题。

四、以色列Kaplan医学中心的皮肤病学小组,特拉维夫医学院的Ronni Wolf,以及小儿科诊所的Danny Wolf的的报中指出,居住在距离电讯塔350公尺的人民医药报告显示,相比全国的癌症率,人民面对四倍高的癌症,此外女性则面对10倍高的癌症患病。 五、2004年11月德国的Naila的医学报告,发现过去10年居住在400公尺内距离的居民患上癌症的机率有明显增加,居民在平均8年后发病。

而且在1999年至2004年,在电讯塔安装五年后,靠近电讯塔的居民的患癌机率比其他地区高出三倍。 六、澳洲两名科学家在2005年的一份报告中指出,在距离电讯塔80公尺外发现人脑的电波受到干扰,造成三种脑电波(分别alpha 1及alpha 2及beta波)起变化。

此外,瑞士环境高庭(Swedish Environmental High Court)判决:手提电话电讯塔是一项构成环境危险的活动。

Why Oppose Telco Towers

Why Oppose Telco Towers(Mobile Phone Base Station or Mobile Phone Masts)

Six Studies Showing Ill-Health Effects From Mobile Phone Base Station Masts
Document produced by Dr Grahame Blackwell 21st Feb 2005

1. Study of the health of people living in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations. Santini et al.Pathol Biol (Paris) [Pathologie Biologie (Paris)] 2002; 50: 369–73

Found significant health effects on people living within 300 metres of mobile phone base stations. Conclusions include the recommendation: “… it is advisable that mobile phone base stations not be sited closer than 300 meters to populations

2. “Effects of Global Communications System Radio-Frequency Fields On Well Being and Cognitive Function of Human Subjects With and Without Subjective Complaints”

Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) Study for the Netherlands Ministries of Economic Affairs, Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment,and Health, Welfare and Sport (September 2003)

Found significant effects on wellbeing, according to a number of internationally-recognised criteria (including headaches, muscle fatigue/pain, dizziness etc) from 3G mast emissions well below accepted ‘safety’ levels (less than 1/25,000th of ICNIRP guidelines). Those who had previously been noted as ‘electrosensitive’ under a scheme in that country were shown to have more pronounced ill-effects, though others were also shown to experience significant effects.


Oberfeld Gerd(1), Navarro A. Enrique(3), Portoles Manuel(2), Maestu Ceferino(4), Gomez Perretta Claudio(2)

1) Public Health Department Salzburg, Austria
2) University Hospital La Fe. Valencia, Spain
3) Department of Applied Physics, University Valencia, Spain
4) Foundation European Bioelectromagnetism (FEB) Madrid, Spain

Presented at an International Conference in Kos (Greece), 2004 This study found significant ill-health effects in those living in the vicinity of two GSM mobile phone base stations. They observed that: “The strongest five associations found are depressive tendency, fatigue, sleeping disorder, difficulty in concentration and cardiovascular problems.” As their conclusion the research team wrote: “Based on the data of this study the advice would be to strive for levels not higher than 0.02 V/m for the sum total, which is equal to a power density of 0.0001 W/cni2 or 1 W/m2, which is the indoor exposure value for GSM base stations proposed on empirical evidence by the Public Health Office of the Government of Salzburg in 2002.”

Ronni Wolf MD(1), Danny Wolf MD(2)

1. The Dermatology Unit, Kaplan Medical Center, Rechovot, and the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, ISRAEL.
2. The Pediatric Outpatient Clinic, Hasharon Region, Kupat Holim, ISRAEL.

Published in International Journal of Cancer Prevention Volume 1, No. 2, April 2004

This study, based on medical records of people living within 350 metres of a long-established phone mast, showed a fourfold increased incidence of cancer generally compared with the general population of Israel, and a tenfold increase specifically among women, compared with the surrounding locality further from the mast.

5. Naila Study, Germany (November 2004) Report by researchers (five medical doctors)

Following the call by Wolfram König, President of the Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (Federal Agency for radiation protection), to all doctors of medicine to collaborate actively in the assessment of the risk posed by cellular radiation, the aim of our study was to examine whether people living close to cellular transmitter antennas were exposed to a heightened risk of taking ill with malignant tumors.

The basis of the data used for the survey were PC fi1es of the case histories of patients between the years 1994 and 2004. While adhering to data protection, the personal data of almost 1.000 patients were evaluated for this study, which was completed without any external financial support. It is intended to continue the project in the form of a register.

The result of the study shows that the proportion of newly developing cancer cases was significantly higher among those patients who had lived during the past ten years at a distance of up to 400 metres from the cellular transmitter site, which bas been in operation since 1993, compared to those patients living further away, and that the patients fell ill on average 8 years earlier. In the years 1999-2004, i.e. after five years’ operation of the transmitting installation, the relative risk of getting cancer had trebled for the residents of the area in the proximity of the installation compared to the inhabitants of Naila outside the area.

6. Austrian Study Press Release 1st May 2005

The radiation of a cell phone base station at a distance of 80 metres causes significant changes of the electrical currents in the brains of testees (measured by electroencephalogram, EEG). All the testees said they felt unwell during the radiation, some of them seriously.

That is the result of an investigation by a team of Austrian scientists. They measured alpha 1 (8 to 10 Hz), alpha 2 (10 to 12 Hz) and beta waves (13 to 20 Hz).

A small density of GSM 900 and GSM 1800 radiation already caused several significant changes in these three frequency ranges. This means the body is stressed - temporarily this may have some positive effect, in the long run however stress certainly reduces the quality of life, capacity for work and state of health. The results of the research will be published in international scientific magazines and confirmed by replication.

The research was financed by Land Salzburg in Austria. The testees were nine women and three men between 20 and 78, who considered themselves 'electrosensitive'. They were invited to sit in a chair, eyes covered and ears plugged. Of course they were not aware of the sequence of the tests. The side of the room directed at the cell phone base station was shielded against radiation, except for a small part which could be (un)shielded easily.

In the first phase, the radiation density near the head was 26 mikroWatt/m2, in the second phase 3327 mikroWatt/m2 and in the third phase 26 mikroWatt/m2 again. Several other environmental parameters were measured to be sure they could not influence the results, such as radiation by television and FM-radio, noise, CO2, temperature, relative humidity, low frequency magnetic fields and soherics (electrical discharges in the atmosphere, possibly causing radiation).

During the second phase the parameters of all the brainwaves, measured by EEG, changed significantly. Afterwards the testees were asked to describe their experiences. All of them felt unwell during the second phase. They reported symptoms like buzzing in the head, palpitations of the heart, unwellness, lightheadedness, anxiety, breathlessness, respiratory problems, nervousness, agitation, headache, tinnitus, heat sensation and depression. According to the scientists, this is the first worldwide proof of significant changes of the electrical currents in the brain by a cell phone base station at a distance of 80 metres. It has been scientifically established before that the radiation of cell phone base stations leads to unwellness and health complaints.

NOTE: These are the only studies known of that specifically consider the effects of masts on people. All six of these studies show clear and significant ill-health effects. There are no known studies relating to health effects of masts that do not show such ill-health effects. In this respect, any statement by industry or official sources that claims (or suggests) that: (a) There is no evidence of ill-health effects from masts; or (b) The overwhelming evidence is that masts do not cause ill-health effects; is completely and blatantly untrue. Dr Grahame Blackwell - Adviser to several European countries After all this on dangers from the bioeffects on humans from EMFs let us take a completely new perspective.